How can I simulate a timeout event in XHR using jasmine?

I am testing a function that makes AJAX requests, allowing retrying when the network is down or there are timeouts because the connection is unstable (I am thinking of mobile devices).

I'm sure it works because I used it integrated with other code, but I want to have the correct test.

However, I was unable to create a unit test to enforce it formally. I am using jasmine 2.3 along with karma and here is my code:

var RETRIES=2;
var TIMEOUT=1000;

function doRequest(method, url, successFn, errorFn, body, retries) {
    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    retries = retries === undefined ? RETRIES : retries;, url);
    request.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
    request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

    request.onload = function () {
        if (request.status < 300 && request.status >= 200) {
        } else {
            if (errorFn) {
                errorFn(this.status, this.responseText);
    request.onerror = function () {
        if (this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 0) {
        //there is no connection
        } else {
            errorFn(this.status, this.responseText);

    if (retries > 0) {
        request.ontimeout = function () {
            doRequest(method, url, successFn, errorFn, body, retries - 1);
    } else {
        request.ontimeout = function () {
    request.timeout = TIMEOUT;
    if (body) {
    } else {


And this is my test:

describe('Ajax request', function () {
    'use strict';

    var RETRIES=2;
    var TIMEOUT=1000;

    beforeEach(function () {


    afterEach(function () {

    it(' should call error callback function when a tiemout happens', function () {
        var doneFn = jasmine.createSpy('onLoad');
        var errorFn=jasmine.createSpy('onTimeout');
        doRequest('GET','', doneFn, errorFn,null,RETRIES);
        var request = jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent();

        jasmine.clock().tick(TIMEOUT*(RETRIES+1)+50); //first attempt and then 2 retries
        expect(errorFn).toHaveBeenCalled(); // assertion failed



And this is the test result:

    Expected spy onTimeout to have been called.
        at Object.<anonymous> (js/test/doRequest_test.js:75:0)
Chrome 42.0.2311 (Windows 7): Executed 1 of 1 (1 FAILED) ERROR (0.007 secs / 0.008 secs)



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1 answer

Use .responseTimeout

for mocked request object, this method is provided by jasmine-ajax, but not documented.



But after that, calling .responseTimeout

on the first request, you still have an error because the callback errorFn

only fires after a few tries. You have to deal with the following requests, which are automatically sent using those request.ontimeout

defined in your code. It can be solved like this:

var retries = 3;
var request;

do {
  request = jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent();


  retries -= 1;

} while(retries >= 0);


As a result, it will call timeout

for every subsequent request.

Here are some sandboxes to play with the code



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