How to get POSTed (jquery) array data in Node.js (using express)

I am trying to send an array to my server. But I have difficulty with this.

The array I'm trying to post is an array of objects that is dynamically structured, so I don't know its length.

To be more precise, my array is shaped.

var names =[{id:1, name:"nick"},{id:2,name:"bob"},{id:3,name:"john"}.....{id:n, name:"whatever"}]


I am posting using jquery:

$.post("save_names", {
        'names[]': names
    }, function(results) {


My node code is as follows: (I am using stormpath-express)'/save_names', config.access_group, function(req, res) {
    console.log("body ", req.body);


So I get the following from console.log

body  { 'names[]': [ '[object Object]', '[object Object]', '[object Object]' ] }


When I try to print the array: console.log("body ", req.body.names);

I getbody undefined

Can someone explain why this is happening? How to solve my mistake and why can't I just post names: names and just work?


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2 answers

You are sending your details incorrectly. You can check the request in development tools. You will see something like this:

Form Data
    names[]:[object Object]
    names[]:[object Object]
    names[]:[object Object]
    names[]:[object Object]


Try converting the data to JSON yourself:

$.post("save_names", {
        'names[]': JSON.stringify(names)
    }, function(results) {


Do not forget to access your array: console.log("body ", req.body['names[]']);




Yes, you req.body

contain the key names[]

, not names

. So you can either go from req.body['names[]']

or rewrite your code to have a name object:

$.post("save_names", {
        names: names
    }, function(results) {


And to express the code:'/alter_offer_sort', config.access_group, function(req, res) {
    console.log("body ", req.body.names);


PS you are probably taking names []

from the GET request. This is not how POST works.


I also don't notice that there is only an object string, so initialize the bodyParser.

First install body-parser:

npm install --save body-parser


Then change the code:

var express = require('express')
var bodyParser = require('body-parser')

var app = express()

// parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }))

// parse application/json




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