Pie chart pre-error check server with D3.js in svg format

I am using a D3.js

drawing library pie chart


This is the code I am testing

To create the diagram, I use the prerendering server command (NodeJs) with gulp and the npm module jsdom

and then save the HTML file. And it works.

// window is the jsdom obj
var innerHTML = window.document.documentElement.innerHTML;
var Parser = require('parse5').Parser,
    parser = new Parser(),
    dom = parser.parse(htmlString);
save(xmlserializer.serializeToString(dom)); // Save file 


But I need to save in SVG format

and then use these functions to convert HTML to XML for SVG.

   // window is the jsdom obj
       var body = window.document.querySelector("html");
       var svg = body.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
       var svg_xml = xmlserializer.serializeToString(body);
       save(vkbeautify.xml(svg_xml));// Save file 


(npm modules: vkbeautify , xmlserializer )

I have already done this with multiple graphs without any problems other than the pie chart: HTML is perfect, but SVG does not render well.


HTML outputSVG output

What could be the reason? How can I fix it?


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1 answer

This is a lower / upper case problem. Somewhere in your code, you should omit all of this. As a result, the path descriptor in your view looks like this:

m6.123031769111886e-15,-100a100,100 0 1,1 -3.8285889215894375e-14,100l0,0z


whereas for it to work properly you need

M-95.10565162951534,-30.901699437494813A100,100 0 0,1 7.044813998280223e-14,-100L0,0Z


In SVG, there is a big difference between the two (lowercase values ​​are "relative to last position", uppercase means "absolute coordinates").



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