Using cd command to navigate through x86 program and some startup problems

I am trying to enter a file using

cd Program Files (x86)\Google\google_appengine


starting from the C: // folder.

I tried googling around and I keep getting things along the lines



or use the dir command. But that doesn't lead me to google_appengine. It just displays my file. I'm pretty sure I just don't know what the words are on google since I'm a beginner and wondering if anyone can help me.


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1 answer

PowerShell uses a key Tab

to complete the directory. Therefore, if you enter

cd C:\Program


Then press the key Tab

to iterate over the names, you will see PowerShell add quotation marks around the directory name. If you do not provide a directory name, the command cd

(which is an alias for Set-Location

) will not know that the arguments after the command are the only pathname. The quotes tell PowerShell that the stuff between the quotes is a single argument, not multiple arguments.



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