Using Yadda's Protractor

I tried to find some examples of using Yadda (using Jasmine or another fw) and Protractor but no luck. Anyone have any experience?


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1 answer

Okay, I'm answering my own question.

Step 1 - defining specifications for the protractor conf file:

specs: ['test/yadda-runner.js']


Step 2 - create 'test / yadda-runner.js'

    var exports = module.exports = {};

exports.runner = (function () {
    var Yadda = require('yadda');

    new Yadda.FeatureFileSearch('./test/features').each(function foundFeatureFiles(file) {
        featureFile(file, function test(feature) {

            var a = file.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*\.feature/gi)[0],
                name = a.replace(".feature","");

            var definitions = require('./definitions/' + name + '-steps.js');
            var yadda = Yadda.createInstance(definitions);

            scenarios(feature.scenarios, function execute(scenario) {
                steps(scenario.steps, function executeStep(step) {


Step 3 - Create your functions and step files

"test / features / bottles .feature" -> "tests / definitions / bottles -steps.js"



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