Postgres connection not closing after sidekiq Ruby script

This is a small Ruby script that runs under Sidekiq. It opens a connection with

    db_connect = Sequel.connect(@db_credential, search_path: @namespace)


It never explicitly closes the connection; I think it shouldn't be necessary?

After the script has been run many times and they have all finished and the Sidekiq web dashboard does not show any running or pending tasks, Postgres shows 60 Sidekiq connections:

postgres=# select count(*) from pg_stat_activity where application_name like '%sidekiq%';
(1 row)


The database is on localhost, so nothing else creates these connections.

psql 9.3.6, Sidekiq 3.3.3, Rails 4.0.0, ruby ​​2.1.1p76, continued 4.19.0, Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS.


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1 answer

You can:

I believe the problem with your current approach is that you are creating a new connection pool each time you perform Sidekiq tasks by calling Sequel.connect

and those connections keep vibrating. It can take a long time before they collect the trash, if ever.



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