Threejs: rendering multiple scenes in one webgl renderer

I am trying to include multiple scenes in one webgl renderer according to the code below:

renderer.render (scene1, camera);
renderer.render (scene2, camera);

I ran into a problem when, in the last scene, the object that is passed to the renderer is signed, but the previous one is not. I have confirmed this by replacing these two lines of code. I am a newbie at the age of 3 and would like to know if the above can be achieved? and also if you can lead me to support examples (if any).



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1 answer

You can find the minimal solution here:

var animate = function() {

    renderer.autoClear = true;

    //render scene1
    renderer.render(scene1, camera);

    //prevent canvas from being erased with next .render call
    renderer.autoClear = false;

    //just render scene2 on top of scene1
    renderer.render(scene2, camera);




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