Clearing input fields when input is pressed

After the user clicks enter inside the input field, I clear the value document.getElementById('text').value = "";

As Im using spaces to iterate over an array, this displays multiple input fields with the same ID, of course id='text'

After entering in the first input field and pressing the return key, the input field is cleared.

However, this does not apply to outgoing inout fields. I understand that it document.getElementById

only finds the first id.

How can I do this, the input value is cleared for all input fields.

    'keydown #text': function(event, template) {
    if ((27 === event.which) || (13 === event.which)) {
        document.getElementById('text').value = "";




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3 answers

Never use an ID for multiple items. The ID is unique and can only appear once in an HTML document. Use a class or a regular HTML element selector instead:

'keydown input[type="text"]': function(event, template) {
    if ((27 === event.which) || (13 === event.which)) {
        //this should delete value from the input
        event.currentTarget.value = "";


And in HTML:

<input type="text" />
<input type="text" />





You can iterate over all matches and clear them.





a working example on jsfiddle originally commented by @abdullah


  • It's a good idea to use the same identifier for multiple items, the identifier must be unique.

  • Use Jquery libary if you have included it $("#id")

    much easier and neat thandocument.getElementById("id")



I would place an event listener on a parent (like a form). And instead of

document.getElementById('text').value = "";



var inputs = event.currentTarget.querySelector('input'); , function(el, i){
    el.value = '';




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