How do I get the client's recaptcha g-recaptcha-response validation option after the user confirms that they are not a robot?

I am trying to implement google recaptcha on a form. The form issues an HTTP request to the server where it submits the data as a JSON object.

I added Google reCAPTCHA just before the form submit button with the following div tag:

     <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="{SITE_KEY}"></div>


Also I added the required JavaScript file to the header:

 <script src=''></script>


Now the submit button issues a JavaScript function request like this: hence I am using Angular JS

  $scope.issueVideoUploadRequest = function () {

    var requestVideoUploadParameters = {
        videoSource: $scope.videoSource,
        title: $scope.title,
        description: $scope.description,
        videoLanguage: $scope.language,
        tagsList: $scope.tagsList
        method: "POST",
        dataType: "json",
        data: requestVideoUploadParameters,
        url: 'http://localhost:8080/OampSeniorProjectV2/rs/content/requestUploadForm'
    }).success(function (response, status, headers) {
        $scope.alertMessageVideoRequest = response;
    }).error(function (response, status, headers, config) {


The form is submitted to REST services.

The question is, where can I find the g-recaptcha-response parameter to send it back to the server along with the JSON object form? As I need this response value to perform server side validation.

I followed the documentation posted here


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1 answer

grecaptcha.getResponse (WIDGET_ID);

This will give you a recaptcha response. Use this in your form submit function if you are using Angular.



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