Simple injector - IEnumerable register for abstract class implementation

I am using Simple Injector and want to know if it is possible to register / resolve a collection of classes inheriting an abstract class.

The script looks like this: I have the following abstract / concrete classes:

public abstract class Animal
        public string Type { get; set; }

        public abstract string MakeSound();

    public class Dog : Animal
        public override string MakeSound()
            return "woof";

    public class Cat : Animal
        public override string MakeSound()
            return "meow";

    public class Pig : Animal
        public override string MakeSound()
            return "oink";


Also, I have a class that needs to get IEnumerable<Animal>

and call a function MakeSound

for each animal, for example:

public class Zoo
        private IEnumerable<Animal> _animals;
        public Zoo(IEnumerable<Animal> animals)
            _animals = animals;

        public void MakeZooNoise()
            foreach (var animal in _animals)


I would like to create a collection IEnumerable<Animal>

, preferably using container initialization, and let it be handled through Simple Injector, as there are other registrations used in these child classes (not in this case, but in a real example).

Note: if there are ideas for alternative approaches, this is also welcome!


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1 answer

container.RegisterCollection<Animal>(new[] {

// or using Auto-Registration
container.RegisterCollection<Animal>(new [] {




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