Merging two data frames with unique keys

I want to select rows of data1 if the value of the first column exists in data2:


Desired output:
a b 
1 1 
3 6 
1 3 


The merge doesn't work as the keys are not unique, any other idea?


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2 answers

Here's a no joins approach:

> unique(data1[a %in% data2[,a],])
   a b
1: 1 1
2: 3 6
3: 1 3




We can create a sequence column ("ind") in each dataset for column "a" and "join" after setting the key column as "a" and "ind"

data1[, ind:=1:.N, a]
data2[, ind:= 1:.N, a]
setkey(data1, a, ind)[data2, nomatch=0][, ind:=NULL]
#   a b
#1: 1 1
#2: 3 6
#3: 1 3




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