SQL Server function to get parent top level in hierarchy

I have the following table structure (master_group):

code    name                      under 

1       National Sales Manager    1
2       regional sales manager    1 
3       area sales manager        2 
4       sales manager             3


How to get the final parent of a specific string, like:

code    name                      under     ultimateparent

1       National Sales Manager    1         1
2       regional sales manager    1         1
3       area sales manager        2         1
4       sales manager             3         1



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5 answers

With a recursive cte going from top to children:

with cte as(
  select *, code as ultimate from t where code = under
  union all
  select t.*, c.ultimate from t
  join cte c on c.code = t.under
  where t.code <> t.under
select * from cte


For data:

create table t (code int, name varchar(100), under int)
insert into t values
(1, 'National Sales Manager', 1),
(2, 'regional sales manager', 1),
(3, 'area sales manager', 2),
(4, 'sales manager', 3),
(5, 'a', 5),
(6, 'b', 5),
(7, 'c', 5),
(8, 'd', 7),
(9, 'e', 7),
(10, 'f', 9),
(11, 'g', 9)


it generates output:

code    name                    under   ultimate
1       National Sales Manager  1       1
5       a                       5       5
6       b                       5       5
7       c                       5       5
8       d                       7       5
9       e                       7       5
10      f                       9       5
11      g                       9       5
2       regional sales manager  1       1
3       area sales manager      2       1
4       sales manager           3       1


Fiddle http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/17c12e/1



You can use a recursive CTE to navigate to the tree and then select the highest level for each code:

with cte as (
      select mg.code, mg.name as name, mg.under as under, mg.under as parent, 1 as lev
      from master_group mg
      union all
      select mg.code, mg.name, mg.under, cte.under as parent, cte.lev + 1
      from master_group mg join
           on mg.under = cte.code
      where cte.under is not null and cte.under <> mg.code
select code, name, under, parent as ultimateparent
from (select cte.*, max(lev) over (partition by cte.code) as maxlev
      from cte
     ) t
where lev = maxlev;


Here is the SQL script.



I would put NULL as under (in my example ParentId) when it is the top record. Under this assumption, here's the solution


WITH Result AS
    SELECT Id, ParentId, Name, Id as [Top] FROM
    where  ParentId IS NULL 
    SELECT s.Id, s.ParentId, s.Name, [Top]
    FROM sample s INNER JOIN Result R ON s.ParentId = R.Id





I suggest you use a recursive function like this:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.parentID (@code int)
    DECLARE @ResultVar int
    SELECT @ResultVar = (SELECT under FROM master_group WHERE code = @code)
    IF @ResultVar <> @code 
        SELECT @ResultVar = dbo.parentID(@ResultVar)
    RETURN @ResultVar


Use it like this:

       dbo.parentId(code) AS ultimateparent
FROM master_group




I'm going to shamelessly steal data settings from another answer and demonstrate how you would do it using hierarchy:

create table t (code int, name varchar(100), under int)
insert into t values
    (1, 'National Sales Manager', null),
    (2, 'regional sales manager', 1),
    (3, 'area sales manager', 2),
    (4, 'sales manager', 3),
    (5, 'a', null),
    (6, 'b', 5),
    (7, 'c', 5),
    (8, 'd', 7),
    (9, 'e', 7),
    (10, 'f', 9),
    (11, 'g', 9);

with cte as (
    select code, name, under as parentCode, code as ultimateParent, cast('/' + cast(code as varchar) + '/' as nvarchar(max)) as h
    from t
    where under is null

    union all

    select child.code, child.name, child.under as ParentCode, parent.ultimateParentCode, cast(parent.h + cast(child.code as varchar) + '/' as nvarchar(max))
    from t as child
    join cte as parent
        on child.under = parent.code
), hier as (
select code, name, parentCode, ultimateParentCode, cast(h as hierarchyid) as h
from cte
select code, name, parentCode, ultimateParentCode, h.ToString(), h.GetAncestor(h.GetLevel()-1).ToString()
from hier


Keep in mind that a recursive CTE only needs to be done once (or when data changes). What I am doing is that once you select the hierarchy (which you can store in a string, by the way), it is easy to answer the question you are asking with method calls on the hierarchy (and possibly a join if you want to get information about the predecessor).



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