Play random sound clip on collision (Unity)

I have 4 sound files which are landing noises that I want the player to do when hitting the ground, no sound is currently playing. New to C # and programming needs a little help.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Bhop : MonoBehaviour{

public AudioClip[] list;
AudioSource audio;
CharacterController characterController;
int number;

void Start () 
    audio = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
    characterController = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
    //Loading the items into the array
    list =  new AudioClip[]

void OnCollisionEnter (Collision col)
    int number;
    number = Random.Range(0, list.Length);

    if ( == "Sound") 
        audio.PlayOneShot(list[number], 0.5f);



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3 answers

If you've added a script to the GameObject before adding the line [RequireComponent(typeof(AudioSource))]

, you most likely don't have an Audio Source for your GameObject (check your inspector). If so, you can:

  • manually add the Audio Source component to the Inspector, or
  • remove and then re-attach the script to the GameObject, which will automatically add the Audio Source component to it . If you are using a public variable AudioClip

    for your audio file (OP is not), remember to drag and drop the audio asset into the public variable again (this is cleared by script re-attachment).


Here Mate

Instructions: 1 - attach this to any game object 2 - put a game object with an AudioSource component in mySource 3 - Let's say you have 3 audio clips that you want to use, set Scan Range and My Audio Items to 3 4 - add 3 clips as 5 items - Turn on Debug to get a list of clips on the console, but they also show up in the editor when playing the game

Tips: This is included, so every time this object allows it to trigger a new range and assign a clip, hope this helped me about 5 minutes if it helps you think about following my facebook dev group HERE

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class randomSound : MonoBehaviour {

    public AudioSource mySource;
    public int rangeScan;
    public AudioClip[] myAudio;
    public int toPlay;
    public bool debugging;

    void OnEnable () {
        toPlay = Random.Range(0,rangeScan);
        if (debugging) {
            foreach (AudioClip value in myAudio) {
                print (value);
        mySource.PlayOneShot(myAudio[toPlay], 0.9F);
        mySource.Play ();




Audio.PlayOneShot(AudioClip[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,AudioClip.Length)], 0.8f);




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