How do I select one specific index from each column?

Imagine I have a pandas.Dataframe like:

x = DataFrame({ 'a': [7,6,8,0,2,5],
            'b': [3,4,5,6,7,8],
            'c': [3,8,5,6,0,1]}, index=[1,2,3,4,5,6])


then I have pandas.Series which gives me, for each key, a specific index that I want to select:

y = Series([4,1,6], index=['a','b','c'])


Is it possible to find these indices in the best pandas way? I want to avoid looping through pandas.Series or pandas.Dataframe and I prefer to use commands like .loc, .query, etc.


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1 answer

To achieve this, you can use a combination of loc

and np.diagonal


In [26]:

array([0, 3, 1], dtype=int64)



this will search for a line label:

In [27]:

   a  b  c
4  0  6  6
1  7  3  3
6  5  8  1



returns values ​​in the diagonal.

To make it reliable in column order, we can specifically use values ​​to look up labels and an index on columns to select:

In [30]:

np.diagonal(x.loc[y.values, y.index])
array([0, 3, 1], dtype=int64)


The above will work even if the columns in y

are different from the column order x




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