How to end the race_ function?

I want to finish race_

, but I don't know how to do it.

This is the code I have right now:

mainLoop :: Handle -> String -> IO ()
mainLoop handle username = do
    _ <- race_ fromServer toServer

    putStrLn "Race is done"
    return ()

        fromServer = forever $ do
            line <- hGetLine handle
            putStrLn $ "Server: " ++ line

        toServer = do
            line <- getLine
            case line of
                ":quit" -> do
                    --hPutStrLn handle "blabla"
                    return ()
                _       -> do
                    hPutStrLn handle $ line


If I uncomment the line hPutStrLn handle "blabla"

, the user sees Race is done

when he types :quit

. Without this line, the program just hangs when the user types :quit


I find it wrong to use hPutStrLn handle "blabla"

only for completion race_

. I guess there is a better function for completing a function race_

. Any idea?

It seems strange to me that the simple one return ()

doesn't work, since both hPutStrLn

and return

return an empty IO action.

The full context can be found here . The handle is being created handle <- connectTo "localhost" (PortNumber 4000)

. The server is created in server.hs . I am running this code on Windows 7 in "Git bash" (msysgit) with runhaskell



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1 answer

Used in context

import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Monad

main = do
    h <- openFile "./a" ReadWriteMode
    mainLoop h "user"
    hClose h


this works fine without hPutStrLn - what did you do? (where. / a is a large file like "dmesg> a")



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