Roll is applied to partial time series in R


z <- zoo(c(1:10))


I want to be able to aggregate the following:

> z
 4  8  10 
 10 26 19


I've tried using rollapply but to no avail:

> rollapply(zoo(c(1:10)), width = 4, FUN = "sum", by = 4, partial = TRUE, align = "right")
 1  5  9 
 1 14 30 
> rollapply(zoo(c(1:10)), width = 4, FUN = "sum", by = 4, partial = TRUE, align = "left")
 1  5  9 
10 26 19 
> rollapply(zoo(c(1:10)), width = 4, FUN = "sum", by = 4, partial = TRUE, align = "center")
 1  5  9 
 6 22 27 


Any help would be greatly appreciated. The second one looks the most promising, but will I need to adjust the delay?


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1 answer

The argument partial

always applies to both ends; however, you can set the width for each element separately by using a vector for the argument width

, and then multiply it yourself, instead of using by



# inputs
z <- zoo(1:10)
k <- 4    

n <- length(z)
w <- rep(1:k, length = n)  # 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 
ok <- w == k | seq(n) == n  # F F F T F F F T F T

rollapplyr(z, w, sum)[ok]



 4  8 10 
10 26 19 


2) We could use align = "left"

and then correct the time (using ok

from above):

r <- rollapply(z, k, by = k, sum, partial = TRUE, align = "left")
time(r) <- time(z)[ok]


3) This can be done using aggregate.zoo

(using ok

from above):

tt <- na.locf(replace(time(z), !ok, NA), fromLast = TRUE)  # 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 10 10
aggregate(z, tt, sum)




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