Android app made with Phonegap shows black screen

I fought with this last week and made no progress from it. Originally when I first made my telephony app it would display a black screen and nothing else. I have since added a splash screen and changed the background color to config.xml

, and since then it showed the splash screen and after it it shows a white screen instead of black.

The app works great as a website, so I really don't know where to start debugging. Nothing happens in the buildgap build debugger, since there are no application elements in it at all.

Is it okay for the phonegap app to show a black screen if something is wrong or there must be some kind of error message? If so, what can be done about this?


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3 answers

Usually these black screens occur when there is a bug in one of the plugins. Using plugins without adding them to the .xml file (or adding them incorrectly) has deviceready

problems waiting for the device to load before accessing any plugins. I am not very good with phone conversations as I mainly use Cordova + Intel XDK to take care of everything that can go wrong (and a lot can go wrong with Cordova plugins).

My suggestion is to disable all plugins and then see if it works. If so, start enabling them one by one to see which one is causing the error. This is, of course, if you can't see the console errors right away.



I had this same issue with iPhone going to black screen. There were no errors in the iPhone log or html log. The problem was in the plugin for StatusBar: cordova-plugin-statusbar



Try to manage the duration with:

<preference name="splash-screen-duration" value="10"/>


10 is the value in milliseconds. 1000, for example, is 1 second.



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