CFNetwork SSLHandshake Error (-9810) Problem (Objc)
I converted the application from ASIHTTPRequest to AFNetworking, everything works fine for me, I get a successful response when the api is called, but the problem occurs with AFNetworking even if the Boolean allowInvalidCertificates is NO.
manager.securityPolicy.allowInvalidCertificates = NO;
I tried NSURLConnection
but same problem, everything works fine, but I keep getting this handshake error message all the time.
Also, I have some old applications written in object c that use MKNetworking / AFNetworking, the APIs are working fine, I get a response too.
But what worries me is that I start getting this message in the log:
CFNetwork SSLHandshake error (-9810)
when calling the API regardless of SOAP / REST, it's weird that in multiple applications I don't use SSL, but still get it.
I have a check via internet / blogs / Stackoverflow and all solutions found but the problem persists.
What is this code (-9810) at the end?
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