CFNetwork SSLHandshake Error (-9810) Problem (Objc)

I converted the application from ASIHTTPRequest to AFNetworking, everything works fine for me, I get a successful response when the api is called, but the problem occurs with AFNetworking even if the Boolean allowInvalidCertificates is NO.

manager.securityPolicy.allowInvalidCertificates = NO;


I tried NSURLConnection

but same problem, everything works fine, but I keep getting this handshake error message all the time.

Also, I have some old applications written in object c that use MKNetworking / AFNetworking, the APIs are working fine, I get a response too.

But what worries me is that I start getting this message in the log:

CFNetwork SSLHandshake error (-9810)

when calling the API regardless of SOAP / REST, it's weird that in multiple applications I don't use SSL, but still get it.

I have a check via internet / blogs / Stackoverflow and all solutions found but the problem persists.

What is this code (-9810) at the end?


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1 answer

When you install

manager.securityPolicy.allowInvalidCertificates = NO;


at the same time, he will check the correct installation of the SSL certificate on the server or not.

If it is not installed correctly, then this error has occurred because of this.



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