How to return values ​​from a recursive function to an array

function nestedLoop(depth::Integer, n::Integer, symbArr, len::Integer, k::Integer, num_arr)
  for i = k:len
    num_arr[depth-n+1] = symbArr[i]
    n == 1 && println(num_arr)
    (n > 1) && nestedLoop(depth, n-1, symbArr, len, i, num_arr)

function combwithrep(symbArr, n::Integer)
  len = length(symbArr)
  num_arr = Array(eltype(symbArr),n)
  nestedLoop(n, n, symbArr, len, 1, num_arr)
@time combwithrep(["+","-","*","/"], 3)


I have some problems with return values ​​from a rudimentary recursive function that calculates combinations with repetitions. I can't figure out how to capture the replacement with println

some return to an array in a function combwithrep()

. I was also unable to use tasks for this. The best result is to get an iterator over those values, but that's not possible in recursion, right?

I feel like the answer is simple and I don't understand anything about recursion.


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1 answer

It's certainly not optimal, but functional.

julia> function nested_loop{T <: Integer, V <: AbstractVector}(depth::T, n::T, symb_arr::V, len::T, k::T, num_arr::V, result::Array{V,1})
           for i = k:len
               num_arr[depth-n+1] = symb_arr[i]
               n == 1 ? push!(result, deepcopy(num_arr)) : nested_loop(depth, n-1, symb_arr, len, i, num_arr, result)
nested_loop (generic function with 1 method)

julia> function combwithrep(symb_arr::AbstractVector, n::Integer)
           len = length(symb_arr)
           num_arr = Array(eltype(symb_arr),n)
           result = Array{typeof(num_arr)}(0)
           nested_loop(n, n, symb_arr, len, 1, num_arr, result)
           return result
combwithrep (generic function with 1 method)

julia> combwithrep(['+', '-', '*', '/'], 3)
20-element Array{Array{Char,1},1}:




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