When should there be @ValidateOnExecution used with jersey?

I couldn't understand the gist of the @ValidateOnExecution annotation . Can anyone explain this use case for it?

According to jersey documentation, resource method constraints are automatically checked. This code snippet is from a jersey example .

public List<ContactCard> getContacts() {
    return StorageService.findByName("");

@NotNull(message = "{contact.does.not.exist}")
public ContactCard getContact(
        @DecimalMin(value = "0", message = "{contact.wrong.id}")
        @PathParam("id") final Long id) {
    return StorageService.get(id);


If the constraints are in the pojo, you can initiate validation with @Valid ( See ).

class MyResourceClass {

public void registerUser(@Valid User user) {


So what is @ValidateOnExecution using, other than explicitly disabling validation?


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1 answer

According to the latest documentation from Jersey, the @ValidateOnExecution

annotation should be used for the following purposes:

According to the Bean Validation specification, validation is enabled by default only for so-called restricted methods. The Getter methods defined in the Java Beans specification are not restricted methods, so they will not be checked by default. The @ValidateOnExecution special annotation can be used to selectively enable and disable validation. For example, you can enable validation with the getEmail method shown in the example

class MyResourceClass {

    public String getEmail() {
        return email;


The default value for the type attribute for @ValidateOnExecution is IMPLICIT, which causes the getEmail method to be checked.

So it @ValidateOnExecution

can also be used to at least enable validation for getter methods.



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