How can I get the data quantity and date data from the parsing and put it in the UILabel?

I currently want to get createdAt and price from the parsing database and the data types for both are Number and NSDate . >. After I have extracted it, I want to go to the UILabel that matches the date and price . The problem right now is that whenever I tried to run the simulator, both UILabel data is not displayed while the row data type is displayed.

My current code

if let createdAt = object?["createdAt"] as? String {
   = createdAt

if let priceTitle = object?["price"] as? String {
            cell.price.text = priceTitle



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2 answers

For date use NSDateFormatter.stringFromDate method so your code is:

if let createdAt = object?["createdAt"] as? NSDate {
  let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
  var theDateFormat = NSDateFormatterStyle.ShortStyle
  dateFormatter.dateStyle = theDateFormat = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(createdAt) 





- special meaning in Parse. This is a property PFObject

and you access it with dot notation. So this is how you should proceed:

if let object = object as? PFObject {
    let date = object.createdAt
    let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "HH:mm MMMM dd, yyyy"
    let dateStr = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(date!) = dateStr




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