Iterating over methods defined in a module

I recently learned about the VBIDE library, but can't fully appreciate all the possibilities yet. I want to create a method that will create the correct class based on the classes found in my project. Classes that are good candidates for instantiation Implement


, and the exact class I want to instantiate has a property MType

and returns Enumerated Value



So to summarize how I iterate through the classes defined in my project to find the class that returns Correct

for the property MType

and create that class.

So far, I know I can iterate over my modules with the following code:

Dim Part As VBComponent
For Each Part In Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents
    Debug.Print Part.Name
Next Part


What am I missing right now, how do I iterate over the methods / properties of each class to see what these mehods are returning?

Here is the method I need to find, it changes from class to class according to its values:

Public Property Get InterfaceA_MType() As Model_Types
    IModel_MType = Severity
End Property


So as you can see this property is quite simple, I have to assume that it will return the same value all the time.

UPDATE: Some of the observation I got from Dough Gancy is in here I can use ProcBodyLine(InterfaceA_MType)

it ProcCountLines(InterfaceA_MType)

to iterate over the lines of procedures that match those lines that have IModel_MType = Correct


This only excludes creating an instance of a class based on a code module. how to do it?


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1 answer

First, it doesn't iterate over your classes, iterate over all the modules in your file.

Dim Part As VBComponent
For Each Part In Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents
    Debug.Print Part.Name
Next Part


If you only want to iterate over the modules of a class, you will need to check the type of the component.

Dim Part As VBComponent
For Each Part In Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents
    If Part.Type = vbext_ct_ClassModule Then
        Debug.Print Part.Name
    End If
End If


Now, to find any specific method in a code module, you need to use the Find Method of the CodeModule object .

Of particular note is that startline

, endline

, startcol

and endcol

all passed by reference and are effectively "off" .

So, this code will look something like this.

Dim startLine As Long
Dim endLine As Long
Dim startCol As Long
Dim endCol As Long

startLine = 1
startCol = 1
endLine = -1
endCol = -1

If Part.Find("Public Property Get InterfaceA_MType()", startLine, startCol, endLine, endCol) Then
    ' do something
End If


Finally, to instantiate a class, it will definitely become a global instance ... whatever smells, but whatever. You didn't really give us your ultimate goal. I have a feeling that your problem is better solved with some good OOP programs, but that is not the question you asked.

To get an instance of a class to work, you need to dynamically create a module and a procedure that instantiates that class. Maybe even rewrites the calling code on the fly.

So, in this dynamically generated module, you need to write something like this.

Public dynamic As ClassType

Public Sub InitalizeDynamic()
     Set dynamic = new ClassType
End Sub


Then, somewhere else, you call the simple jane module withApplication.Run


Public Sub Test1()
    Application.Run "VBAProject.Module1.IntializeDynamic"
End Sub


So finally you can use a dynamic instance.

foo = dynamic.InterfaceA_MType()


If you read carefully the questions I've linked to my other answers, you should be able to work out a solution. All you need to know is the combination of these two answers.



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