Show warning () after executing managed bean action method

I have a command link:

<h:commandLink value="Delete"
    onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');" 
    action="#{bean.deleteDestination(destination, '/destination/show')}" />


It calls this managed bean action method:

public String deleteDestination(Destination selected, String action) {
    List<Flight> flights = getEjbFlightFacade().findFlightWithDestination(selected);

    if (flights.isEmpty()) {
    else {
        // Here need to show an alert() that user can't remove the item.

    return action;


As stated in the comment, I would like to show alert()

that the end user cannot delete the item. How can I achieve this?


source to share

1 answer

Let JSF conditionally render the script you want based on the bean property.


this.undeleteable = true;


<h:outputScript rendered="#{bean.undeleteable}">
    alert("You can't delete it.");


The canonical way, however, is to simply show the (global) entities' message.

FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
context.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("You can't delete it."));


<h:messages globalOnly="true" />


The alerts date back to 1990.

