Why will TRACE stop functioning?

Unfortunately, it's hard to pinpoint exactly when this stopped working ... a few days or a week ago, maybe ...

But our software, many of the operators TRACE

that boil down to ATL::CTraceFileAndLineInfo(__FILE__, __LINE__)

, no longer output output to the VS 2013 Update 4 debugger output window.

I am getting some output there - exceptions in the first language, there is a thread, DLL loading and unloading, etc ... just nothing from our traces.

I recently updated the projects to revert to using the v120_xp toolbox, but when I double checked our previous version of the software, I see that our projects are exactly the same (and I didn't have this problem with the previous projects).

Of course I did a clean one (I have a batch script that is even more thorough than a clean build target in VS2013).

Trace through the call to operator () ... goes about ten levels deep:

_CRTIMP int __cdecl _VCrtDbgReportW
    int nRptType,
    void * returnAddress,
    const wchar_t * szFile,
    int nLine,
    const wchar_t * szModule,
    const wchar_t * szFormat,
    va_list arglist


Which finally ends in



after which I go into disassembly, and I lose interest in logic. But by the time we get to OutputDebugString (), we've gone through all the intermediate levels, and we're really asking Windows to output a message ... which it just doesn't.

He also asks the question: what has changed?

I went through original control a few versions back and through comparison to the codebase last year and I don't see anything new / relevant.

Windows was updated last Thursday.

... Has anyone else suddenly lost the ability to see TRACE output in the VS2013 debug window? Has this happened to someone before (who knows how to solve it)?

Update: 5/18 5:07 pm EST "Repaired" option - did not help Clean - did not help Restart - did not help all debugging options (they were already correct - and switched them / moved the output to the nearest window) - did not help Launch other projects - no output also

... uninstall VS2013 next ...

10/12/2015 Update: nothing worked. The trace for this project continued to work on other machines. I had to reinstall Windows from scratch and then resume.

The projects have never changed. But something on this PC stopped working. Who knows?!


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2 answers

10/12/2015 Update: nothing worked. The trace for this project continued to work on other machines. I had to reinstall Windows from scratch and then resume.

The projects have never changed. But something on this PC stopped working. Who knows?!



First guess: you've stopped messing with the debug version of MFC . (but if called OutputDebugStringW

it is unlikely)

You can check if the API itself is working with DbgView to see if the problem is in the system API or in VS.

Visual Studio output window does not display messages sent by Debug.Write () , mentions several relevant options in VS. I can't find the M $ bug reports yet.

The list of updates you have available may contain some ideas about what has changed.

Resetting VS settings and then restarting VS (plus deleting any files .user

and .suo

from the original tree after closing VS if reset didn't) might help if it's a reload of new-code-old-config-type.



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