Implementation of MFA in Okta

How to program MFA in Okta? My requirements are something like this:

  • For some users, I want to use Okta Verify and some additional security questions.
  • For some other users, I want to use Google Authentication along with some additional security questions.
  • For some other users, I just want to use SMS authentication.

What is the API / SDK API I should be using to implement these use cases?


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1 answer

You can implement this using the Authn API, or alternatively, use the Login Widget which implements these APIs for you.

Note that if you implement it yourself: the authn stream is policy driven, so you won't be doing something like "for this user, an Okta Verify request". Rather, you've configured MFA scripts through the Okta admin pages (perhaps assigning these users to groups with different login policies). When authenticating, you will receive a response from the server to register / challenge through various factors.



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