Doctrine - Managed Organization - Injected Entites are not managed by default

I am using Doctrine for a typo3 / cms project to make my workflows more efficient.

So I had to teach the doctrine on my own. Most of it was pretty simple and I had no problems at all. But when it came to preserving the existing entity, I struggled. Every time I saved an existing object, it was created as a new one.

After some digging I came to the conclusion that this is not part of "UnitOfWork" (-> contains (entity) == false). If I registered it manually on this device everything worked fine again.

$this->entityManager->getUnitOfWork()->registerManaged($page, array('uid' => $page->getUid()), array('title' => $page->getTitle()));


But that can't be the end of the story .. so I'm still trying to figure out what if wrong with my doctrine: D

Why are my entites received not being managed?

This is my DoctrineLoader:

private function createEntityManager()
    global $GLOBALS;

    $paths = array(
        MyT3Extension::rootDir() . '/Configuration/ORM'
    $isDevMode = true;
    $typoDbConfig = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['DB'];

    // the connection configuration
    $dbParams = array(
        'driver'   => 'pdo_mysql',
        'user'     => $typoDbConfig['username'],
        'password' => $typoDbConfig['password'],
        'dbname'   => $typoDbConfig['database'],
        'charset'  => 'utf8'

    $config = Setup::createYAMLMetadataConfiguration($paths, $isDevMode, MyT3Extension::rootDir() . '/Cache');
    $entityManager = EntityManager::create($dbParams, $config);

    return $entityManager;


Yml definition for orm model:

    type:  entity
    table: pages
    id: { uid: { type: integer, generator: { strategy: AUTO } } }
        pid: { type: integer }
        title: { type: string }
        navTitle: { type: string, column: nav_title }
        doctype: { type: integer, column: doktype }
        isSiteroot: { type: boolean, column: is_siteroot }
        layout: { type: integer }


Sample code to use:

$page = $this->entityManager->getRepository('Vendor\TypoBundle\Entity\Page')->findOneBy(array());
$this->entityManager->flush(); // will create a new record (new uid)


What works like:

$page = $this->entityManager->getRepository('Vendor\TypoBundle\Entity\Page')->findOneBy(array());

         'uid' => $page->getUid()
     ), array(
         'title' => $page->getTitle()



So, I hope someone can help me: D (I'll take a look at the symfony bundle teachings for a solution ..)


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1 answer

Ok .. I found a solution .. I used a special injection "injection" in typo3 extbase. If you specify your dependencies as arguments to __concstruct (), it will inject the service without any additional configuration. So I just assumed it was using an internal "Service Bus" to serve all dependencies with the same object instances, but instead it was creating one for each dependency request.

So I got three different entity managers .. and obviously didn't manage the objects somehow .. sorry to bother you guys.



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