Separate environment configuration in Ember

I am using ember-cli

to build my application which gives me a nice file app.js

that I can run on a static server. What's the most idiomatic way to provide separate configuration during deployment?

For example, I can tell the consumer of my file app.js

to include an additional file config.[js|json]

to be loaded, and the values ​​from that file will be sent to the object ENV

... so that I can point the application to a different REST endpoint like (QA, Sandbox, Pre-release and etc.) without recompiling.

I suppose there must be a way, I just don't see it. I get that there is a file config/environment.js

, but it's compiled into a folder dist

. I'm looking for something that sits alongside the packaged JS. I can of course hack something together, so I am not looking for a hack. Maybe ember-cli-addon

? I believe there must be an "explicit path" for this.

I just don't find it :)


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1 answer

Ok, here's what I did. Basically, I allow some settings to be overridden by the host application. I register an initializer to hush them in the config object and then I use the config options as usual. It looks something like this:

config / environment.js

// This is just normal ENV.APP configuration stuff.  Nothing odd here
module.exports = function(environment) {
  var ENV = {
    // snip
    APP: {
      API_HOST: '',

  return ENV;


<strong> app / initializers / parameter-overrides.js

import config from '../config/environment';

// This is the custom stuff.  If the values have been defined globally,
// override them on the config object.  I suppose this can be done a
// bit more dynamically, but this explicit code is for illustrative purposes.
export function initialize() {
  let apiOverride = window.MyAppEnv && window.MyAppEnv.API_HOST;
  let authOverride = window.MyAppEnv && window.MyAppEnv.AUTH_PROVIDER;

  config.APP.API_HOST = apiOverride || config.APP.API_HOST;
  config.APP.AUTH_PROVIDER = authOverride || config.APP.AUTH_PROVIDER;

export default {
  name: 'parameter-overrides',
  initialize: initialize


app / adapters / apps

import DS from 'ember-data';
import config from '../config/environment';

// Then consume the config properties as you normally would
export default DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
    host: config.APP.API_HOST,
    namespace: "api"


Now the hosting application can include this in the page and it will override the values ​​from config/environment.js


<script type="text/javascript">
  // Override this value in production to the proper API host and Auth host
  window.MyAppEnv = {
    AUTH_PROVIDER: null, //''
    API_HOST: null //""


Is this a sane approach? Is there something better?



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