How to handle void decltype ();

I would like to create a template that calls a member function on another object that returns the same type as the member function. The syntax for using decltype in a member function is a little ugly, but it seems to work in every case except one.

Here's the call:

struct container: map<string, C> 
    template< typename MemFnPtrType, typename... _ArgTypes>
    auto safeOperation(string key, MemFnPtrType mfp, _ArgTypes&&... args )
        -> decltype( (((C*)nullptr)->*mfp)(args...))
        C* pC = NULL;
        decltype((pC->*mfp)(args...)) result;

        iterator it = find(key);
        if (it != end())
            C* pC = &(it->second);
            result = (pC->*mfp)(args...);
            cout << "result:" << result << "\n";
            cout << "key: " << key << " missing\n";
        return result;


This works fine as long as the member function doesn't return void.

Is there a way to detect this and leave it out of line?

I could create a voidSafeOperation function. I don't mind creating a different template, but I would like to use the same name "safeOperation", so call sites don't need to use different helpers based on the return type of the member function.


Complete example:


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2 answers

Unfortunately I think you are stuck here having SFINAE on return type. Start with a type trait (it's much easier than an expression decltype


template <typename MF, typename... Args>
using Res = typename std::result_of<MF(C, Args...)>::type;


And then just switch:

template <typename MF, typename... Args>
typename std::enable_if<
    std::is_same<Res<MF, Args...>, void>::value
>::type safeOperation(string key, MF mfp, Args... args)
     /* void case */

template <typename MF, typename... Args>
typename std::enable_if<
    !std::is_same<Res<MF, Args...>, void>::value,
    Res<MF, Args...>
>::type safeOperation(string key, MF mfp, Args... args)
     /* non-void case */


Or you can mark the shipment with is_void


template <typename MF, typename... Args>
Res<MF, Args...> safeOperation(string key, MF mfp, Args... args)
    return safeOperation(std::is_void<Res<MF, Args...>>{},
                         key, mfp, args...);



template <typename MF, typename... Args>
void safeOperation(std::true_type /* void */, 
                   string key, MF mfp, Args... args) 
{ .. }

template <typename MF, typename... Args>
Res<MF, Args...> safeOperation(std::false_type /* non-void */, 
                               string key, MF mfp, Args... args) 
{ .. }




This is the angular case. auto

c decltype

for the final return type does not work for the return type void

because it void

is an incomplete type.


auto nothingMuch()

// nope
//decltype(void {}) nothingMuchEither()
//  return;

// nope
//auto noTrailing() -> decltype(void {})

// always works
decltype(auto) nothing()

auto main() -> decltype(int {})
    return 0;


The simplest solution is to replace auto

and decltype

at the end of the return type decltype(auto)

with as the return type (requires C ++ 14).



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