Which JVM versions are recommended for Storm

Do JVMs 7 and more work with Storm? Are there any issues I should be aware of? I vaguely remember reading something about this before, but for the life of me, I can no longer find information about it.


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3 answers

If you are using JVM 7 and above you are safe, remember to run nimbus and supervisor with the same version as the target version of your topology, that is, if your target is Java 7, nimbus and supervisors must be running versions 7, or 8. If you are targeting Java 8, you should start JVM 8.

Also, if you are starting a new project, you can check this notice for Oracle without providing more updates in Java 7 .

Hope it helps,

Jose Luis



Choose the latest Java 8 if possible, as with the new JMM (Java Memory Model), it will be better in most cases than the old JMM with PermGen (Java 7 and below, suppressed in Java 8).

You will be able to use Java 8 JMM along with the G1 garbage collector, which is probably the best way to deal with garbage collection delays. This is going to be more predictable and should be a big problem for any real-time system (like Apache Storm). It's also easier to set up memory and garbage collection in java 8 (in my opinion) with jstack and jvisualvm.



I think JVM 7 can work well with Storm. You can view this tutorial http://jansipke.nl/getting-metrics-from-the-java-virtual-machine-jvm/



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