Creating a method / function for use in a view

How to write a function to be used on the page *.cshtml

. Previously, we used @helper

or @function

in view. how do we do it? For example, I would like to write a recursive function to display all configuration values. How can i do this?

    @foreach(var k in config.GetSubKeys())
        @* TODO How can we make this a helper function/recursive? *@
        @foreach(var sk in config.GetSubKey(k.Key).GetSubKeys())


My guess is that we need to add a dependency to project.json and then deprecate in Startup.cs.


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2 answers

Citing a few design discussions that we only have glimpses online has @helper

been removed for design reasons; replacement View components.

I would recommend the View Component, which looks like this:

public class ConfigurationKeysViewComponent : ViewComponent
    private readonly IConfiguration config;
    public ConfigurationKeysViewComponent(IConfiguration config)
        this.config = config;

    public IViewComponentResult Invoke(string currentSubKey = "")
        return View(new ConfigurationData
            Key = currentSubKey,
            Value = config.Get(currentSubKey),
            SubKeys = config.GetSubKey(currentSubKey).GetSubKeys().Select(sk => sk.Key)


Your ViewComponent View would be relatively simple:

@foreach (var sk in Model.SubKeys)
    @Component.Invoke("ConfigurationKeys", sk)


Then you can call it from the root view like this:



Disclaimer: I wrote this in SO editor, there may be compiler errors. Also, I'm not sure if View Components supports default options - you might need to add a default ""

root view to the request to the view component.

Alternatively, if this is just debugging code, you can expand your recursiveness using Stack<>



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A quick and dirty use of razor views, assuming your view component provides a recursive model.

Component type:

@model YourRecursiveDataStructure
<ul class="sidebar-menu">
    <li class="header">MAIN NAVIGATION</li>

    @foreach (var node in Model.RootNodes)
        @Html.Partial("~/YourPath/RenderElement.cshtml", node)


Render element in view:

@model YourRecursiveNode
    <a href="@Model.Href">
    @Html.Partial("~/YourPath/RenderChildren.cshtml", Model)


Then loop the node children in another view:

@model YourRecursiveNode
@if (Model.HasChildren)
        @foreach (var child in Model.Children)
            @Html.Partial("~/YourPath/RenderElement.cshtml", child)



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