How can I get the url at the business logic level?

I have a business logic layer in a C # project and I need to find a way to generate a URL based on the base URL that the website is running on.

For example, this url: http: // localhost: 56240 / Management / Quiz.aspx? QuizID = 46

I need a way to get this part: http: // localhost: 56240 using C # code from the business logic layer (means I cannot use the Request object or context.Request).

Is there a way to do this?


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2 answers

In your class, you can use the HttpContext.Current property (in System.Web.dll). From there, you can also use the Request object. for example

HttpRequest request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
string url = request.Url.Authority.ToString();


Don't forget to include the reference for System.Web in your class.



call the method from the presentation layer and pass it HttpContext

to the business logic layer you can use HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority

to get your domainhttp://localhost:56240

or you can pass Request.Url.Authority

as a string to your method if you need another thing inHttpContext



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