Dynamically set address in SSRS Subscription reports

I am showing a list of items with an Assigned to field, which are email addresses. I have now set up a subscription with a separate list of assigned email addresses and sent the list of all items to all users. I want to send only to these items assigned to a specific user by that user; Instead of sending all items to all users. Can this be done in SSRS? I would have to dynamically set the To address and filter the result dataset.


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1 answer

It looks like you need to set up a data subscription available in the enterprise version of SSRS 2012.

Create a report using a custom parameter that will create a list of items attached to email addresses.

When you create a data-driven subscription, you have the ability to create another SQL statement that can be used for recipients and get values ​​to pass as parameters to your report.

If your proc is instantiated something like (yours will probably be a little more complicated ...)

CREATE PROC GetAssigned 
          @EmailAddress nvarchar(255)

IF @EmailAddress is Not null
    SELECT EmailAddress,Item1,Item2
    FROM MyTable
    WHERE EmailAddress = @EmailAddress
    SELECT DISTINCT EmailAddress FROM myTable


You can run this process both in a report and as a data subscription to get a list of email addresses to send and as a parameter in the report. (Although you can just add the request SELECT DISTINCT

in the box below and not have it in the proc?)

To set up a subscription (enterprise version, right?)

enter image description here

Although, you can just type your script in the box above.

SELECT DISTINCT EmailAddress from MyTable


  • Then on the next screen when entering recipients use the value returned by proc

enter image description here



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