MvvmLight bindings in code?

Is it possible to use mvvm-light bindings in code in a xamarin form?

I want this to be typical. If so, can you show me an example?


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2 answers

For a typical solution:

On your page:

MyButton.SetBinding<FooViewModel>(ActivityIndicator.IsRunningProperty, model => model.IsBusy);


In your FooViewModel

    bool _isBusy;
    public bool IsBusy
        get { return _isBusy; }
            Set(ref _isBusy, value);




I have set up the binding like this:

button.SetBinding (Button.CommandParameterProperty, "ButtonCommand");


If "ButtonCommand" is defined like this in my ViewModel:

public RelayCommand buttonCommand;

public RelayCommand ButtonCommand {
    get {




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