Neo4j cypher return structured map
Let's say we have a database with (: TvShow) - [: contain] → (: season) - [: contain] → (: Episode)
Now let's say everyone wants to query the database for a specific: TvShow and get the result formed like this: {tvshow: // tvShow node //, seasons: [{season: // season node //, episodes: [// episode node //]}]}
For example: if we have OneShow with 2 seasons and 3 episodes
result will be a json object: {tvshow: OneShow, seasons: [{season: season1, [episode1-1, episode1-2, episode1-3]}, {season: season1, [episode2-1, episode2-2, episode2- 3]}]}
I am trying to work with WITH, collect, FOREACH and the "+" array operator, but haven't had time yet.
Has anyone done this before?
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Based on the following Neo4j console dataset you can achieve it like this:
MATCH (n:TvShow)-[:HAS_SEASON]->(season)-[:HAS_EPISODE]->(episode)
WITH n, season, collect(episode) AS ep
RETURN { show:, seasons:collect({ season:, episodes: ep })} AS shows
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