How do I set row selection for a newly added row?

I need to set the selection to a newly added row. When entered $scope.gridApi.selection.selectRow(newObject)

, the grid row model does not have a new row and therefore cannot select one. When the method completes, the addRow

grid shows a new row (and data), but no selection has been made.

My test code:

$scope.addRow = function() {
        // my new data object

    var newObject = $[0];


How can I achieve this behavior?

Is there an event like "rowAdded" in angularjs ui-grid that I should be listening to? Is there an exhaustive list of events fired with ui-grid somewhere?

Thanks for the help!


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1 answer

You can listen for events on row, column and so on. The documentation is here

You can add a data listener to onRegisterApi as shown below,

onRegisterApi : function(gridApi)
                    $scope.gridApi = gridApi; 
                    }, [uiGridConstants.dataChange.ROW]);


and select any line you want to select.

Here is a working plnkr.



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