How to check if element of array exists in Mysql?

I have a static menu with a list of courses, everything is static.

I want the menu to display only active courses, I want to adopt the same order.

I have all the contents of the submenu in a variable, if active in the DB, and if not active, then it is not displayed.

I am learning and I want to do it right.

But this code doesn't work yet. Can anyone help me?

//conexion DB
$dbLink = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dbname;charset=utf8', 'username', 'password', [

//array for order
$coursesarr = array('spanish', 'english', 'latin');

//query mysql
$qry_courses = "SELECT `shortname`, `visible` FROM `courses` WHERE visible = 1";

//define static varibles
$spanish = '<li><a href="/spanish.html">spanish</a>
    <li>task 1 select course</li>
    <li>task 2 select course</li>
    <li>task 3 select course</li>
$english = '<li><a href="/english.html">English</a>
    <li>task 1 select course</li>
    <li>task 2 select course</li>
    <li>task 3 select course</li>
$latin = '<li><a href="/latin.html">Latin</a>
    <li>task 1 select course</li>
    <li>task 2 select course</li>
    <li>task 3 select course</li>

//PDO execute
$stmt = $dbLink->prepare($qry_courses);

//Generate query DB and create menu
echo '<nav><ul>';
    while($row_courses = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))  {
        if(in_array("$row_courses['shortname']", $coursesarr){
            echo $.'$row_courses['shortname']'.;
echo '<ul><nav>';




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1 answer

Change as follows

    if(in_array("$row_courses['shortname']", $coursesarr){
        echo $.'$row_courses['shortname']'.;



 if($row_courses['shortname'] == $coursesarr){
        echo $row_courses['shortname'];




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