React-Router: How to test the rendering href of a Link?

I have a React component that renders <Link/>


render: function () {
    var record = this.props.record;
    return (
        <Link to="record.detail" params={{}}>
            <div>ID: {}</div>
            <div>Name: {}</div>
            <div>Status: {record.status}</div>


I can easily get the rendered <a/>

, but I'm not sure how to check if the href is plotted correctly.

function mockRecordListItem(record) {
    return stubRouterContext(require('./RecordListItem.jsx'), {record: record});
it('should handle click', function () {
    let record = {id: 2, name: 'test', status: 'completed'};
    var RecordListItem = mockRecordListItem(record);
    let item = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<RecordListItem/>);

    let a = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(item, 'a');

    // TODO: inspect href?
    expect(/* something */).to.equal('/records/2');


Notes: stubRouterContext is required in React-Router v0.13.3 to mock correctly <Link/>



Thanks to Jordan for the suggestion a.getDOMNode().getAttribute('href')

. Unfortunately, when I run the test, the result is null

. I expect it has something to do with how stubRouterContext

ridiculed <Link/>

, but how to "fix" still TBD ...


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3 answers

Ok. It just took a while in stubRouterContext

which I already had.

The third constructor argument stubs

is what I needed to pass, overriding the default function makeHref


Working example:

function mockRecordListItem(record, stubs) {
    return stubRouterContext(require('./RecordListItem.jsx'), {record: record}, stubs);
it('should handle click', function () {
    let record = {id: 2, name: 'test', status: 'completed'};
    let expectedRoute = '/records/2';
    let RecordListItem = mockRecordListItem(record, {
        makeHref: function () {
            return expectedRoute;
    let item = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<RecordListItem/>);
    let a = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(item, 'a');

    let href = a.getDOMNode().getAttribute('href');


It was right in front of me the whole time.



You can use a.getDOMNode()

to get a a

DOM node component and then use normal DOM node methods on it. In this case, it getAttribute('href')

will return the value of the attribute href


let a = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(item, 'a');
let domNode = a.getDOMNode();





I am using clown and enzyme for testing. For the link from the route I am using the Memory Router from their official documentation

I needed to check the href of the final built link. This is my suggestion:


export function MovieCard(props) {
  const { id, type } = props;
  return (
    <Link to={`/${type}/${id}`} className={css.card} />


MovieCard.test.js (I'm skipping imports here):

const id= 111;
const type= "movie";

test("constructs link for router", () => {
    const wrapper = mount(
        <MovieCard type={type} id={id}/>





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