Screensaver Screen Windows Phone 8.1

I am facing an unusual issue in the Splash window of a Windows 8.1 app.

Scale Image Size (Pixels)
1x - 480 x 800
1.4x - 672 x 1120
2.4x - 152 x 1920

These are the standard sizes I have given. Although the picture doesn't look right on 4.7-inch 720P devices.

Any help is appreciated.


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2 answers

I don't think you can do this to improve this (except that @neoproudek suggested using ExtendedSplashScreen


But depending on your senario, you may need to change Splash Screen Background Color

to a color that matches the color of the Splash screen image. So if you have a solid color splash background image like a Windows Phone Music app with Blank t21> it will look like this:

Blank background color

But changing Splash Screen Background Color

to # 107C0F like this:

Splash Screen Background Color

Quick Note: Splash Color Background Color has no alpha component

The end result is a beautiful Splash screen:

Appropriate background color

Hope this helps!



You can (only) do this with images only (via appxmanifest) if you prepare the splash screen so that the top and bottom are in a uniform color fill, which you can easily extend to the top and bottom of the screen by setting the splash screen background color to Package.appxmanifest.



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