Does R have a built-in function to iterate a function n times?

Suppose I have a variable x

and a function f

. I would like to execute f

on x

, then again the result, n


I created a simple function for this:

iterate <- function(x, f, n) {

    assertthat::assert_that(n >= 0)

    if (n > 0) {

        for (i in 1:n) {

            x <- f(x)



Which works like this:

iterate(256, f = sqrt, n = 3)


Is this already built into R?


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1 answer

You can do this with a package-in Reduce

and Compose

out-of- package functional programming approach functional

. The idea is to create a list of the functions you want and link them with Compose

. You simply apply this function to x


x = 256
n = 3
f = sqrt


Reduce(Compose, replicate(n, f))(x)
#[1] 2


Or use freduce

from magrittr



freduce(x, replicate(n, f))
#[1] 2




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