How do I enable Google App Engine for PHP in my scripts / autoloading?

I have a website on an Ubuntu web server (not an application and not hosted on App Engine) and I want to use google cloud storage to upload / download large files. I'm trying to upload a file directly to Google Cloud Storage which doesn't work (possibly because I made some basic mistakes).

I have installed Google Cloud SDK and downloaded and unpacked the Google Engine app . If enabled now CloudStorageTools.php

I get the error:

Class 'google \ appengine \ CreateUploadURLRequest' not found "

My script looks like this:

require_once 'google/appengine/api/cloud_storage/CloudStorageTools.php';
use google\appengine\api\cloud_storage\CloudStorageTools;
$options = [ 'gs_bucket_name' => 'test' ];
$upload_url = CloudStorageTools::createUploadUrl( '/test.php' , $options );



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2 answers

If you want to use Google App Engine (gae) functionality, you will need to host on gae, which will likely have a greater impact on the architecture of your application (it uses a custom compiled PHP version of PHP with limited libraries and no local file handling. so all this functionality should be in blob or gcs storage - Google Cloud Storage).

With a PHP application running on ubuntu, it is best to use google-api-php client to connect to the JSON api store. Unfortunately, the documentation is not very good for php. You can check my answer at How to Rename or Move a File to Google Cloud Storage (PHP API) to see how to GET / COPY / DELETE create an object. For download, I would suggest downloading a pre-signed download url like so:

//get google client and auth token for request
$gc = \Google::getClient();
$googleAccessToken = json_decode($gc->getAccessToken(), true)['access_token'];

//compose url and headers for upload url request
$initUploadURL = ""

//Compose headers
$initUploadHeaders = [
    "Authorization"             =>"Bearer ".$googleAccessToken,
    "X-Upload-Content-Type"     => $mimetype,
    "X-Upload-Content-Length"   => $filesize,
    "Content-Length"            => 0,
    "Origin"                    => env('APP_ADDRESS')

//send request to retrieve upload url
$req = $gc->getIo()->makeRequest(new \Google_Http_Request($initUploadURL, 'POST', $initUploadHeaders));

// pre signed upload url that allows client side upload
$presigned_upload_URL = $req->getResponseHeader('location');


With this url sent to your client side, you can use it to put the file directly in your bucket with a downloadable script that generates the appropriate PUT request. Here's an example in AngularJS with ng-file-upload:

file.upload = Upload.http({
    url: uploadurl.url,
    skipAuthorization: true,
    method: 'PUT',
    headers: {
        "Content-Type": file.type !== '' ? file.type : 'application/octet-stream'
    data: file


Good luck - gcs is tough unless you want to google completely using the app engine!



The Google API Client allows you to connect to any Google API, including Cloud Storage API . Here's an example and here's a getting started guide.



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