Apple watch: creating app style strings in WKInterfaceTable

I would like to be able to create rows for the WKInterfaceTable that, after the user has moved them from right to left , will show an additional control (for example, from the mail app on the Apple Watch).

Here is an image of the Mail app (see left and bottom left images):

Any idea how they did it?


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1 answer

This is currently not possible for regular third party developers. WatchKit just doesn't offer that. Refer to the WatchKit Framework reference which is available here .

Apple may allow its own watch viewer apps this year (offering more options). We may find out more next month (WWDC).

Is it possible for a custom control that mimics this behavior?

I see two problems:

  • Your WatchKit code doesn't work on the watch, but on the iPhone (that's an extension). Even if you can implement some kind of custom control that can change its position, it can be very volatile due to the BT connection. See here .
  • Additionally, you will need to locate your finger. I am not aware of the WatchKit method that gives you this information.


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