Show legend inside pie chart with merge plot

I want to show a legend with its value inside a pie chart. I googled a lot but didn't get any solution. Also, there is no way in merge diagrams to achieve this directly. Can anyone suggest what trick I can apply for this? I think I need to change a lot of things in the library that I don't need, please help me.

Refer below image

enter image description here

I am using angular-fusion diagram library, so I want to do it with angular.

javascript angularjs fusioncharts

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1 answer

If you are using FusionCharts you can achieve this using the "placeValuesInside = '1" attribute

// Sample data
"chart": {
    "showpercentagevalues": "1",
    "use3dlighting": "0",
    "showshadow": "0",
    "placevaluesinside": "1",
    "animation": "0"
"data": [{
        "label": "ST_Clean",
        "value": "33",
        "color": "f7bc34"
    }, {
        "label": "ST_Eff",
        "value": "67",
        "color": "e24b1a"



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