DISTINCT inside SQL Server count

I am writing a product search module that uses faceted search. To simplify things a bit, there are two objects: product information and price information. Since products may be sold by multiple online stores, one product may have more pricing information.


- product_guid
- product_category
- product_brand



- priceInformation_guid
- priceInformation_price
- priceInformation_product_guid


I list all products in a specific category and the user can filter by price range. The price ranges are indicated with checkboxes, behind each price range you can see the number of products that match the search criteria. Price ranges that do not match are not displayed. For each price range, I make a query to determine the number of matches (number of edges).

select count(distinct(product.product_guid)) as count
from product 
  INNER JOIN priceInformation ON product.product_guid =
WHERE category= 'beer' 
  AND product.priceInformation_price > 20
  AND product.priceInformation_price <= 30


Everything works fine, but ... because the number of ranges is growing (this is just a simplified example). I run hundreds of queries for each search. This is a big killer. I tried to get all the facet counts in one query, but since there is a 1: n relationship between product and price information, the result is the number of prices that match, not the number of products.

select (Count(Case WHEN product.priceInformation_price > 20 AND
                        product.priceInformation_price <= 30 THEN 1
                   ELSE NULL END)) as Range2030,
       (Count(Case WHEN product.priceInformation_price > 30 AND
                        product.priceInformation_price <= 40 THEN 1
                   ELSE NULL END)) as Range3040
from product
  INNER JOIN priceInformation ON product.product_guid =
WHERE category= 'beer'


The bottom line is that I missed DISTINCT here. I pull my hair out for a few days. Can anyone please help?


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2 answers

Use a derived table to get different price ranges, make GROUP BY

to count different. Something like:

select count(distinct(dt.product_guid)), dt.pricerange as count
 select product.*, case when price < 20 then 'price < 20'
                        when price between 20 and 30 then 'price 20 - 30'
                        else 'price > 30' end as pricerange
 from product
     INNER JOIN priceInformation ON product.product_guid =
 WHERE category= 'beer'
) dt
group by dt.pricerange


Or have I now answered something to something else ...?



I think you should create a table with price ranges, for example:

create table PriceRanges(minPrice money,maxPrice money);
insert PriceRanges values (0,9),(10,19),(20,29),(100,149) ; 


Then, using this table, the query:

SELECT minPrice,maxPrice,COUNT(DISTINCT p.product_guid)
   as ProductCount
FROM PriceRanges pr
LEFT JOIN priceInformation  pi ON pi.priceInformation_price 
           BETWEEN pr.minPrice AND pr.maxPrice
LEFT JOIN product p ON pi.priceInformation_product_guid= p.product_guid
WHERE p.product_category = 'beer'
GROUP BY minPrice,maxPrice
ORDER BY minPrice


- Sqlfiddle

Or use JOIN instead of LEFT JOIN if you don't need empty price ranges.



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