Shinydashboard Width Width Width

I use the brilliant (0.12.0) with shinydashboard (0.4.0) in the R (RRO 8.0.3 CRAN-the R 3.1.3) to create the user interface, and I like what I see. However, I would like to be able to control the width of the element , since I need to put multiple wide-angle selectors in it. dashboardSidebar

ui <- dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "My Dashboard"),
  dashboardSidebar(#stuffhere)  #would like a width param setting


Is there a way to do this (some well hidden width parameter or inline css), or do I have to go back to boring gloss and build it from scratch?

Sad skinny panel needs more meat


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1 answer

The sidebar width is set by CSS in the class .left-side

, so you can do:

  dashboardHeader(title = "My Dashboard"),
  dashboardSidebar( tags$style(HTML("
        width: 300px;
    ")),selectInput("id","Select a survey",choices=c("Very very very very long text","text"))), 


