Invalid overload of 'islower'

I am trying to develop a BattleShip game in C ++ and I am almost ready. For this I need my function gameOver

. My game is over when all the ships are sunk. So I am trying to count how many lowercase characters I have in the string status (from the ship). When half of the characters are in lowercase, the "ship" is destroyed and I'm ready to use the function gameOver


But somehow mine count_if

doesn't work and I don't know why.

Here you go:

#include <algorithm>

bool Ship::isDestroyed() const{ 
    //This counts those chars that satisfy islower:
    int lowercase = count_if (status.begin(), status.end(), islower); 
    return ( lowercase <= (status.length/2) ) ? true : false;

bool Board::gameOver() {
    bool is_the_game_over = true;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < ships.size() ; i++){
        if( ships[i].isDestroyed() == false ) {
            //There is at least one ship that is not destroyed.
            is_the_game_over = false ;
    return is_the_game_over;


What am I doing wrong?


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2 answers

Try to change the algorithm as follows

int lowercase = count_if (status.begin(), status.end(), ::islower); 


Compilers are allowed to place standard C functions in the global namespace.

Otherwise use a lambda expression like

int lowercase = count_if (status.begin(), status.end(), 
                          []( char c ) return islower( c ); } ); 




Unfortunately, the standard library has more than one overload islower

(a function from the C library and a function template from the localization library), so you can't just name the function if you don't call it.

You can convert it to the function type you want:

static_cast<int (*)(int)>(islower)


or hopefully your implementation will remove the C library into the global namespace as well std


::islower      // not guaranteed to work


or wrap it in a lambda

[](int c){return islower(c);}




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