Selenium and Concurrent JUnit - WebDriver Instances

Setting up

So, basically I'm trying to run Selenium tests that run in parallel using JUnit.

I found this JUnit runner for this . It works really well, I love it.

However, I am having problems handling WebDriver instances.

What I want

Each WebDriver element must be instantiated once per class before the methods are executed @Test


Logically, I could use the class constructor for this. This is actually a requirement for my tests because I need to use @Parameters

so that I can instantiate the WebDriver appropriately (Chrome, FF, IE ...).


The problem is, I want the WebDriver instance to be cleaned up ( driver.quit()

) after the class ends , not after the method@Test

. But I cannot use @AfterClass

because I cannot make the WebDriver a static member since each instance of the class must use its own (otherwise the tests will run in the same browser).

Possible Solution

I found a possible suggestion here by Munnal Gosar. Following his recommendations, I changed the WebDriver instead static ThreadLocal<WebDriver>

and then instantiate it in each constructor using

 // in the classes constructor

driver = new ThreadLocal<WebDriver>() {
           protected WebDriver initialValue() {
                 return new FirefoxDriver(); /


Needle says I have replaced every driver.whatever

call driver.get().whatever

in my code.

Now, to solve the ultimate purpose of this, I also wrote a method @AfterClass

that will call driver.get().quit();

, which is now accepted by the compiler since the variable is static.

Testing this, however, results in unexpected behavior. I have a Selenium Grid setup with 2 nodes running on a remote machine. I had this setup as expected before, but now browsers are spamming and tests fail. (Whereas two browsers should be running instead of 8+ open)

A linked thread suggesting this solution noticed that it is not a good idea to manually handle threads if already using a framework like JUnit.

My question

What's the correct construction for this?

I could only think of

  • Do what is suggested here.
  • Write one @Test annotated method that does all the other methods and then uses @After to achieve the same as @AfterClass
  • Store the constructor parameter in a member variable and consider the fact that I have to create a browser before executing each annotated method @Test

    (using @Before

    to instantiate WebDriver and @After

    to close the session)

I don't quite understand if there is option 3 in the possible problems. If I close the session after each method, then grid-Server can actually open a new session with a completely new class on that node until it completes the previous ones. Although the tests are independent of each other, I still feel this is a potential hazard.

Does anyone here actively use Selenium multi-threaded benchmark and can guide me on what is the correct design?


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2 answers

In general, I agree that:

it might be a bad idea to manually handle streams if already used as JUnit

But looking at the Parallelized

runner you talked about and the internal implementation @Parametrized

in junit 4.12 it is possible.

Each test case is scheduled for execution. By default junit runs test cases in a single thread. Parallelized

extends Parametrized

in such a way that the single-threaded test planner is replaced by the multi-threaded test planner, so to understand how this affects test case execution Parametrized

, we need to look inside the JUnit sources Parametrized


Looks like:

  • @Parametrized

    the test case is split into a group TestWithParameters

    for each test parameter
  • for each TestWithParameters

    instance Runner

    is created and assigned for execution (in this case, the Runner

    instance is specialized BlockJUnit4ClassRunnerWithParameters


Basically, each @Parametrized test case generates a bunch of test instances to run (one instance for each parameter) and each instance is scheduled independently , so in our case ( Parallelized

and a @Parametrized

test with instances WebDriver

as parameters), WebDriver

multiple independent tests will run in each separate type. in dedicated streams. And this is important because it allows us to store a specific instance WebDriver

in the scope of the current thread.

Please keep in mind that this behavior depends on the internal implementation details of junit 4.12 and may change (for example, see comments in RunnerScheduler


Take a look at the example below. It builds on the mentioned JUnit behavior and uses ThreadLocal

to store instances WebDriver

shared between test in the same case groups. The only trick with is ThreadLocal

to initialize it only once (in @Before) and destroy every instance created (in @AfterClass).

package example.junit;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

 * Parallel Selenium WebDriver example for
 * Parallelized class is like
public class ParallelSeleniumTest {

    /** Available driver types */
    enum WebDriverType {

    /** Create WebDriver instances for specified type */
    static class WebDriverFactory {
        static WebDriver create(WebDriverType type) {
            WebDriver driver;
            switch (type) {
            case FIREFOX:
                driver = new FirefoxDriver();
            case CHROME:
                driver = new ChromeDriver();
                throw new IllegalStateException();
            log(driver, "created");
            return driver;

    // for description how to user Parametrized
    // see:
    public WebDriverType currentDriverType;

    // test case naming requires junit 4.11
    @Parameterized.Parameters(name= "{0}")
    public static Collection<Object[]> driverTypes() {
        return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
                { WebDriverType.CHROME },
                { WebDriverType.FIREFOX }

    private static ThreadLocal<WebDriver> currentDriver = new ThreadLocal<WebDriver>();
    private static List<WebDriver> driversToCleanup = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<WebDriver>());

    public static void initChromeVariables() {
        System.setProperty("", "/path/to/chromedriver");

    public void driverInit() {
        if (currentDriver.get()==null) {
            WebDriver driver = WebDriverFactory.create(currentDriverType);

    private WebDriver getDriver() {
        return currentDriver.get();

    public void searchForChromeDriver() throws InterruptedException {
        openAndSearch(getDriver(), "chromedriver");

    public void searchForJunit() throws InterruptedException {
        openAndSearch(getDriver(), "junit");

    public void searchForStackoverflow() throws InterruptedException {
        openAndSearch(getDriver(), "stackoverflow");

    private void openAndSearch(WebDriver driver, String phraseToSearch) throws InterruptedException {
        log(driver, "search for: "+phraseToSearch);
        WebElement searchBox = driver.findElement("q"));

    public static void driverCleanup() {
        Iterator<WebDriver> iterator = driversToCleanup.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            WebDriver driver =;
            log(driver, "about to quit");

    private static void log(WebDriver driver, String message) {
        String driverShortName = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(driver.getClass().getName(), ".");
        System.out.println(String.format("%15s, %15s: %s", Thread.currentThread().getName(), driverShortName, message));



It will open two browsers and simultaneously execute three test cases in each browser window.

The console will print something like:

pool-1-thread-1,    ChromeDriver: created
pool-1-thread-1,    ChromeDriver: search for: stackoverflow
pool-1-thread-2,   FirefoxDriver: created
pool-1-thread-2,   FirefoxDriver: search for: stackoverflow
pool-1-thread-1,    ChromeDriver: search for: junit
pool-1-thread-2,   FirefoxDriver: search for: junit
pool-1-thread-1,    ChromeDriver: search for: chromedriver
pool-1-thread-2,   FirefoxDriver: search for: chromedriver
           main,    ChromeDriver: about to quit
           main,   FirefoxDriver: about to quit


You can see that the drivers are created once per worker thread and destroyed at the end.

To summarize, we need something like @BeforeParameter

and @AfterParameter

in the context of a thread of execution, and a quick search shows that such an idea is already registered as a problem in Junit



@Tomasz Domzal I am trying to do the same solution, however in Junit5. Could you please guide me with this ??

Thanks Lokesh



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