I want to know the construction of a loop for a loop relative to arrays

How to reindex this array after dumping the array:

echo "before deleting:<br>";
$countries[] = "Japan";
$countries[] = "Korea";
$countries[] = "china";

echo $a  = count($countries);
echo "<br>";

for($i= 0;$i < $a; $i++)
    echo "$countries[$i]<br>";

echo "<br>";      


After canceling the function, the score shows 2, but the second country name china is not reflected in the loop below.

echo "<hr>After deleting:<br>";
echo $a = count($countries);
echo "<br>";

//below is my forloop
for($i=0;$i < $a; $i++)
    echo "$countries[$i]<br>";



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2 answers

Use array_values()

for reindexing:

$countries = array_values($countries);


However, just use foreach()

to iterate over all values:

foreach($countries as $country) {
    echo $country;





for($i=0;$i < $a; $i++)
    echo "$countries[$i]<br>";



foreach ($countries as $country) {
    echo $country . '<br>';


Foreach doesn't really care about the keys of the array, so it will go through fine. If you really want to use a standard loop for

, call this before: $countries = array_values($countries);

and it will effectively reset the array keys.



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