Difference Chart Python 2-Dimensional Matrix

I'm trying to do something that I think should be pretty straight forward, but I can't seem to get it to work.

I am trying to plot 16 byte values ​​measured over time to see how they change. I am trying to use a scatter plot to do this with: x-axis is the measure of the dimension, y-axis is the byte index and the color is the byte value.

I have data stored in a numpy array where data [2] [14] will give me the 14th byte value in the second dimension.

Every time I try to build this I get either:

ValueError: x and y must be the same size
IndexError: index 10 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 10


Here's an example test I'm using:

import numpy
import numpy.random as nprnd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#generate random measurements
# 10 measurements of 16 byte values
x = numpy.arange(10)
y = numpy.arange(16)
test_data = nprnd.randint(low=0,high=65535, size=(10, 16))

#scatter plot the measurements with
# x - measurement index (0-9 in this case)
# y - byte value index (0-15 in this case) 
# c = test_data[x,y]



I'm sure this is something stupid, I'm doing wrong, but I can't figure out what.

Thanks for the help.


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1 answer

Try using meshgrid

to locate points and remember to index your NumPy array correctly (with [x,y]

, not [x][y]


x, y = numpy.meshgrid(x,y)


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