Does the vendor folder need to be in the original control?

For example, files like



In the project on which I tested them. I was not sure if this was good practice or not, as I remember reading Laravel recommends /vendor

being in .gitignore



source to share

2 answers

No, the directory vendor

should be excluded and never touched manually. A composer update

/ composer install

will generate a classloader when you install your dependencies.



No , your vendor folder is not part of your source code and should not be registered with your git repository.

A good workflow would be:

  • check your composer .json
  • whenever you want to update your dependencies:
    • run composer update

      in local repository
    • check modified composer.lock

    • Deploy and run composer install

      to production repository

Why would you also check in composer.lock:

Yours composer.json

defines the valid versions of your dependencies that will be used at startup composer update


The problem that comes with using only composer.json

is to have reproducible assemblies (for example, exactly the same versions of your dependencies in all environments). This is why when starting the composer.lock

composer , if there is a file , composer will instead load the same dependencies as those written in the composer.lock file. Your file is composer.lock

updated whenever you run composer update




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